Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Tutorial Days Availability

Monday June 13th
Tuesday June 14th
Wednesday June 15th
Mr.Way available in room 238/239(Robotics). Computers and desk space available for other subject work.

1:00PM - 4:00PM
Mr.Way available in room 238/239(Robotics). Computers and desk space available for other subject work.

1:00PM - 4:00PM
Mr.Way available in room 238/239(Robotics). Computers and desk space available for other subject work.

1:00PM - 4:00PM

Monday, 23 May 2016

May 24th Class Plan

Hello all, I'm on a field trip with another class today and so you are in the capable hands of Mr. Chibry.
L296 motor controller

You are to be working on one of three things and are expected to help other groups through them if you have already solved a previous challenge.

1. IR Controlled LEDs - Make 4 LEDs light up after 4 different buttons are pressed on your IR remote.

I2C Motor Controller
2. L296 Motor Controller - These are the red controllers. Make them drive two motors forward, backward and then alternate forward and backward on individual motors.

3. I2C Motor Controller - Theory can be found here. If there are no L296s left, begin this one first. they are on the centre table with the appropriate wires.

If all else fails, here are a couple of TED talks that can be used to see the true future of these sorts of technology. (think Mind controlled Robot armies)


Monday, 16 May 2016

Monday Funny: Boaty McBoatface

The Next Activity: IR LED Demonstration Board

from xkcd.com
The next activity is actually rather simple. Today we will be speaking about infrared light and how the TSSP passive infrared sensor works.

Your task is to take this information from the lesson (and Arduino Theory 08) and to put it to use.

Your task is to breadboard and demonstrate a program that can control at least 4 LEDs with an infrared remote.

Arduino Theory 04 might also help.

Video: Visible Light Range

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Weekly Schedule

Welcome back.

This week's schedule follows:

  • Tuesday - Work period for project. Electronics Review.
  • Wednesday - Coding review. Work period for project.
  • Thursday - Module Quiz. Remaining time to complete Work Habits/Employability Survey.
  • Friday - Safety Meeting. Final work period to submit project.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Weekly Reminders: March 14-17th

This week we are going to focus primarily on the Blinking Lights Game Project.

All material for that project must be handed in at the end of class Thursday.

The projects will be marked and entered into Homelogic over Spring Break.

You may finish any missing parts once we come back from break.

As a reminder, the unit one and two module quiz has been moved to Wednesday March 30th. A review pamphlet will be published no later than Thursday the 17th of March.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Reminder: Assignment Check

from xkcd.com
Just a friendly reminder that I will be taking in everyone's checklists at the end of class today.

They will be returned tomorrow after being entered in HomeLogic.

You may complete them at any time and the marks will be updated.

Happy Wednesday

Friday, 4 March 2016

Robotics Timelines

from xkcd.com
Here are the Robotics due dates up until Spring Break:

  • Wednesday March 9th: Arduino Programming assignments due
  • Wednesday March 16th: Module one and two final project due
  • Thursday March 17th: Module one and two quiz

Friday Funny: Travelling in Groups

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Blinking Lights Final Project

Arduino Assignment (Alternate Final Assignment)

Purpose: In this assignment you will be creating an interactive game using the following parts:

  • Arduino Uno(R3) (or Sketchboard, or Redboard)
  • USB Programming Cable
  • 1 Protoboard
  • 5 Green LEDs
  • 1 non-Green LED
  • 6 weak resistors (100Ω-1kΩ, all same value)
  • 1 strong resistor (10kΩ)
  • 1 Strip of 90° pin headers
  • 1 pushbutton

The game should blink the five green leds in order and should stop the blinking at the currently blinking light when the button is pushed.

One of the lights should be the “winning light” and when that light is stopped at with the push button is pressed another LED should turn on.(again, different coloured LED).

You should also plan to integrate a potentiometer(trimpot) controlled speed dial to the circuit.

To receive full marks, your group must submit the following:

  • The pseudocode you based your code on.
  • The Arduino code written in text and submitted through your Google Drive Assignment Folder.
  • An electrical diagram (created with Fritzing) the shows the layout of the hardware board.
  • A demonstration of the working game.


Four things must be submitted at the end of the project:
  • The pseudocode(flowchart) used to program the robot.
  • The soldered circuit board.
  • The electrical schematic of the board (Done in Fritzing).
  • A copy of the code used to program the robot.
  • The Teamwork Rubric (please note that your teamwork rubric may be modified if Mr.Way feels that you aren’t being truthful.)

4 - Excellent
3 - Good
2 - Basic
1 - Needs Improvement
Pseudocode (flowchart)
The psuedocode matches the programming perfectly and reflects the program used in the project.
The psuedocode matches the programming with a few errors and reflects the program used in the project.
The psuedocode matches the programming in spirit and reflects the program used in the project.
The psuedocode does not match the program
The hardware is connected in a logical way that demonstrates clear knowledge of how each part works. All parts have been included.
The hardware is connected in a way that shows how each part works with some redundant or illogical parts. Most parts have been included.
The hardware is connected but only one part (input/output) works or the documentation is partially incomplete.
The documentation is incomplete and/or the system does not function properly.
Electrical Schematic
The electrical schematic follows all conventions properly and is easy to understand.
The electrical schematic most conventions properly and is somewhat easy to understand.
The electrical schematic has multiple errors but follows most conventions properly.
The electrical schematic is missing significant circuits.
Arduino Code
All software conventions are followed and the program is easy to understand because of proper commenting. All features are present.
Almost all software conventions are followed and the program is understandable due to satisfactory commenting.
Either the software conventions aren’t followed or the program is difficult to understand due to poor commenting.
Only one part of the program functions (Input or output) and the commenting is poor.
You were engaged as a teammate and helped to lead or follow in completing the task.
You were engaged but frequently distracted from completion of the project.
You were mostly disengaged or distracted from the project but contributed somewhat.
You were absent from or completely disengaged from the process of finishing the project.

*Teamwork scores will be an individual mark while the other assessments are group-based.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

The Arduino Basics Checklist

Over the next few days, we will be continuing our Arduino Boot-camp.

The Arduino checklist is meant as a guide on projects that you should be able to demonstrate before we look at putting them together to make a game.

The following tasks are included:
  • Blink an LED Using the Arduino
  • Read a pushbutton with the Arduino
  • Control an LED output with an Arduino Input
  • Read a trimpot with and Arduino
  • Fade an LED from off to full power with code
  • Match an LED brightness output to a trimpot input
  • Make a pizeospeaker play a popular song
Each task will be assessed to see that your code works correctly and that your hardware is correct.

Monday, 15 February 2016

The Plan For This Week

The plan for this week is as follows:


  • Tuesday - Swap modules. Coders do electronics, electronics group moves to CODE.ORG. Electronics group starts soldering.
  • Wednesday - Accountability Pillar Survey(~30 minutes) continue soldering/coding. Begin breadboarding electronics.
  • Thursday - Work period for all projects.
  • Friday - Safety meeting. Final day for coding/electronics first section. CODE.ORG marks recorded on Monday February 22nd.

Don't worry if you haven't finished the 555 Timer Breadboard. We will have more time for that next week.

Tuesday's Cool Video

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Video: Nadine the Robot

Progress Update

Currently with the two groups we are progressing well through our first modules.


Most groups have finished the soldering board activity. These can be handed in anytime after they are completed.
Students will have one more class (officially) to finish their bread boarding assignment(4 circuits). After today, they will need to find time after school or after they have finished their coding work


For the group who began with coding, the CODE.ORG activities are due Tuesday. Those students will be swapping to electronics on Tuesday.

We will be coming back to do some projects that bring both of these modules together in two weeks.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Monday, 1 February 2016

Welcome to Robotics

Hello and welcome to the class of 2018 as well as all of you graduating earlier than that who want to have some fun in Robotics before you graduate.

This year will be an interesting semester of learning, growing, tinkering and fabricating. We will be keeping our focus on four facets of robotics this year when we tackle Electronics, Computer Programming, Computer Aided Drawing, and Electropneumatics. All of these things will be put to the test near the end of our semester when we undertake a pair of robotics challenges that will challenge student's ability to apply what they have learned.

All of the credits and policies regarding this course can be found in the course outline in the right sidebar of this page. That sidebar will also be the place to find all of the theory presentations, assignments and course documents for this semester.

While every effort will be made to give students enough time in class to complete their assignments and projects, it is inevitable that many students will want to take things further. To this end, the lab will be opened Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school until 5:00PM(and Monday with permission).

During this time students are welcome to work on their projects and to work with the Intermediate/Advanced class that will be doing project work during that time period.

If you need to communicate with me at any time the easiest way is email. Contact me at MDWAY@CBE.AB.CA or MDWAY@EDUCBE.CA

Enjoy the start of the year and remember:
Don't Panic!


Sunday, 31 January 2016

Setting Up Your Assignment Folder

Your homework to complete before Wednesday is simple, set up an assignment folder in Google Drive.

Follow the following, simple steps:

  • Log in to Google Drive with your student webmail, @EDUCBE.CA account (those who can't remember it can email me at MDWAY@CBE.AB.CA

  • Create a folder that is named [YourLastName][YourFirstName]RoboticsIntroAssignments
    • For example, mine would be WayMitchellRoboticsIntroAssignments (use underscores if the lack of spaces makes you uncomfortable).

Coincidence? Conspiracy?

  • Share the folder with me at MDWAY@EDUCBE.CA.(Please note that you cannot email this email with anything but another @EDUCBE.CA Account)